With a very diverse and interesting portfolio, Jack Jesse expresses true emotions through the models and his photographs. Every shot being a somewhat self reflective state of mind, instantly intrigues. From models, homeboys, homeless, to just us ordinary ladies and gents, Jack Jesse has a broad array of photographs. I was fortunate enough to take some time out of his day to ask him a few questions.
Where are you based?
Im based just outside of Los Angeles, in a town called La Canada.
When did you start doing photography? and Why?
I started doing photography when i was in middle school for fun, but took it more serious when i took my first photo class in highschool. I started because my grandfather has always been an influence on my life and he always had a camera in his hand.
What inspires you?
I get inspired by anything that catches my eye and also by the feeling of just going out and capturing images that i feel are interesting.
Is there a specific theme or mood that you try to set while/when shooting?
while shooting i like to be alone. I put in a good CD and drive around and look for the one street shot that is just ''wow.'' But my theme is really depending on what exactly is happening on that exct moment of time.
What is some advice that you can give to young photographers?
I would say just always have some sort of camera on you at all times and just document what you do in a day. Try waking up, snapping a picture of yourself right when you wake up and take pictures of everything you do in that one day and then snap one right before you sleep and look at how much stuff you see and do in one day. But simply love what you photograph, don't just take a picture cause you think people will think its ''cool,'' take because you like it.
What medium do you prefer, film or digital?
Duh! Film! But film costs "cha-ching" [money]. Big bucks now a days to do film, it just looks way better, but digital is fine as well. So if you can use both, because I do.
Who are some of your influences?
My influence is life as a whole. I don't really look up to any photographer, i really look up to just snapping a photo and capturing that exact moment in time because that picture will never be the same and that moment will never happen again.
With a common love towards photography, we all share some sort of emotional attachment between the image and oneself. This passion towards art is felt by mainly artists; a passion that is not only internal but external, that brings light to the darkest of the shadows, and a passion that is known as love: "Love, one word that means multiple possibilities. Look at life and just love it. It's not as hard as you think to love it all. Because if we love one another, then all that will be left in the world is that idea of the 'perfect world.' "